ALERTS ATTENTION: MOWING AROUND THE FISHING RESERVOIRS AND WOMACK WILL TAKE PLACE THE WEEK OF MARCH 17th(weekdays). CAMPERS REMOVE YOUR EQUIPEMENT DURING THIS TIME. ATTENTION: Permits for 2025-2026 will go on sale Wednesday, March 12th. These permits are valid from April 1,2025-March 31, 2026. ATTENTION: In the event of a government shutdown after March 14th, there will be no downrange recreation, including hunting. The fishing reservoirs will remain open. 2024-2025 Harvest Reports for PCMS and Fort Carson are now posted.
Fire Status (15 Aug 24): Stage I Restrictions. For more information, read the El Paso County Regulation on Open Burning here.
NEW MEMBER INFORMATION Click here for a guide on creating a Fort Carson/PCMS iSportsman account and purchasing recreation permits. Click here for the iSportsman User Guide.
Downrange Checkout Times
April through September - 9:30 p.m.
October 1st until DST change ends in November - 8:30 p.m.
After DST change in November - February 8:00 p.m.
March - 9:00 p.m.
* DST- Daylight Savings Time
Users are required to checkout through a phone or computer on iSportsman and enter their harvest data.
You must always check out no later than the posted checkout time for the day - posted above.
If you are already checked into iSportsman and the website goes down or you are packing out an already harvested animal
and won't make the checkout time, you must call FC 719-725-4682 or PCMS 719-338-9536 - DPW Wildlife.
All required Downrange Safety Briiefs are available online, through your iSportsman account portal under "My Safety Briefs".
For other details and a guide to required briefs, click on the "Access" tab and then click on the "Range Safety Briefs" or
Click Here.
Firearms, including muzzleloaders, rifles, shotguns, and handguns, must be registered with the Fort Carson Provost Marshal's Office before transporting them onto Fort Carson or PCMS.
Firearms are registered by submitting a completed Fort Carson FC Form 66-E (Registration of Personal Firearms).
Firearm registration is done one time and may have multiple weapons listed on a single registration form.
For details and forms:
Click Here
When accessing Fort Carson and PCMS for recreation, you are responsible for staying up to date with safety procedures, restricted areas,
the FC Reg 200-6, the FC 190-4, and all other content pertaining to your activities that are published on this website and in the safety briefings.
It is highly recommended to check back often for updates.
Fort Carson Rules and Regulations are outlined in the Fort Carson 200-6 Wildife Management and Recreation.
Last updated 28 Feb 2023
Click Here
FC Regulation 190-4 Military Police Prohibited and Regulated Conduct
Click here
Note: Fort Carson Regulation 190-4 has been amended. Now, Civilians and Retirees who violate 190-4 paragraphs 2-2 through 2-4 (weapons transportation violations) will receive a General Officer Memorandum of Reprimand (GOMR) in addition to UCMJ, a potential permenant bar from entering FC and PCMS, and a violation notice for
18USC930 (a) Possession of a firearm and dangerous weapons in Federal facilities.
This regulation is located under the Firearms Registration Tab under Access. or
Click Here
Restricted areas can be found on both maps.
All available fishing maps, recreation maps, and instructions can be found by
clicking on the "Maps and Naviagtion" tab above or the links below.
For FC map Click Here
For PCMS map Click Here
For unexploded ordnance (UXO) information and optional training
Click Here
Report all unexploded ordnance to the FC Fire Desk 719-526-5968
Fort Carson and PCMS are home to 17 species of snakes. Snakes are essential for a healthy ecosystem and rodent control.
Snakes are timid and will generally retreat when encountered. If you encounter a snake, step back and give the snake room to escape.
Do not handle, harass, or kill snakes. If you are bitten by a rattlesnake call 911.
To view the Fort Carson & PCMS Snake Pamplet Click Here
To view the Prairie Rattlesnake Fact Sheet Click Here
​​​If you have questions, comments, or concerns please visit the Contact Us page.
Note: Due to staffing shortages, please contact us during normal business hours
0700 - 1530 Monday through Friday.
Click here